Sri Brahma Kunda, Sri Govinda Kunda & Sri Sudama Kuti

Sri Brahma Kunda

Sri Brahma Kunda is situated on the north-eastern corner of Sri Govinda Kunda  and on the side of the Ramakrsna Asrama. There are kunjas all around this kunda and the residences of Vaisnavas of all four sampradayas beautify the area. Here are the Sri Ramanandi Asrama, Sri Parasurama Asrama, Sri Nitai-Gaura Mandira and so on.

Sri Brahma Kunda

Mentioned in Sri Mathura Mahatmya: “Anyone fasts for one night and then bathes in Brahmakunda, which is surrounded by vines and bushes, will be able to enjoy with Gandharvas and Apsaras and thus become happy. Anyone who leaves his body here will attain My abode.”

“O Mother earth! Listen to this amazing topic: The people who are engaged in My work (devotional service) attain perfection at this place. On the northern bank of this kunda is a white Asoka-tree which blossoms at noontime on the twelfth day of the bright lunar quarter of the month of Vaisakha. This tree makes the devotees very happy. Other than the pure devotees nobody can know this secret.”

Sri Govinda Kunda

Sri Govinda Kunda

   On the eastern side of Sri Vrndavana and on the side of the Sri Rangaji Mandir is Sri Govinda Kunda. At the moment this kunda appears to us in an uncleansed state. This is a pastime-place of Sri Radha-Govinda.

Mentioned in Sri Vraja Riti Cintamani: “Some distance from the south of Dolasthali is Sri Govinda’s lake. There are many nikunjas on all four sides of this lake where many bumblebees are buzzing.”

Sri Sudama Kuti

Sri Sudama Kuti

   On the side of Vamsi Vata (and the parikrama-path of Vrndavana) is Sri Sudama Kuti. In the temple we can find deities of Sri Rama-Laksmana and Srimati Sita-devi. Here are always loving performances held of Sri Rama-lila and there is service rendered to the sadhus and mahatmas.

Sri Rama-Laksmana and Srimati Sita-devi
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Sri Brahma Kunda is situated on the north-eastern corner of Sri Govinda Kunda and on the side of the Ramakrsna Asrama. There are kunjas all around this kunda and the residences of Vaisnavas of all four sampradayas beautify the area.